Friday Night Playoff Party

Thread starter #1
Hi All,

Sorry its taken so long..... I wasnt sure if I was going to be able to make the playoffs this year so its been a little more last minute im affraid!

So, this years 4th annual playoff party? The playoffs unofficially start then at 7pm on Friday at Dinos on Warser Gate. Its a cracking place and is in a perfect location for us all as its opposite the IBIS (where i am staying!) and not far from Fletcher Gate car park!

Ginger Simon from the back of block 11 will be showing us all his DJ skills again, and if its like last year he will have everyone doing handstands and moonwalks by the end of the night!
There will be a WII enforcer competition to see who is the hardest and which club produces the best enforcers!!!!
Games and quizes with prizes to be given out....
And the usual videos on the big screens, probably of Steelers getting battered!

Last year was great, and I hope this year can be just as good, and with it being in town it gives everyone a bit more flexability.
I wanted to hire out a night club, but they wanted stupid money and i would have had to charge to get it, not what i wanted to do.

I have started a Facebook event so if you could all please pop over and confirm your attendance - ... 8125886517 - ta.

Also you can email me on

map of where it is here -

Please try to come on over, last year was fantastic. Dino has been a star letting us have exclusive use of his venue on a friday night, and he is going to make sure he moves as much furnature as he can out of the way so that we have plenty of space.

That's awesome - I have posted on here about Friday - as there are lots of Devil's fans who want to get together on Friday night to watch Sky4 which is showing the game from Sunday night...... Is it possible for it to be shown there??


Not sure if people have seen the facebook message, but this went up today...
Sorry guys, but due to a group of hockey fans having booked a large table at Dinos for birthday celebrations ages ago, that i didnt know about before booking, i have moved the venue.

The party is now at Bluu Bar, Broadway, Lace Market. Its really easy to get to and a stones throw from the arena.

Also, due to the change the party is now over 18s only due to licencing restrictions. I am really sorry and i have done my best to find somewhere that would accomodate children, even if up till 10pm or something, but no where would have us!

I hope you can all still come, everything else stays the same and it should be a great night, the capacity is 100 people bigger as well!


Well-Known Member
Gutted !

Anyone know of anywhere which will accept kids up until a reasonable time ?

I would love to be able to watch the Sheffield game with a pint on Friday !
It depends where you are staying in nottingham, I understand that Hooters are showing some of the Hockey and apparently you can ring them and book a table with a smaller tv. Hooters is near the train station opposite the Jurys Inn. and I'm sure they take under 18's. Its a shame about the party as I also have a 13 year old that attended last year and it was brilliant, I don't really want to go without him it wouldn't be fair. If your desparate to see the match your very welcome to come to our house and watch? we're not far from the arena and i could come and fetch you.