

Thread starter #1
We're going to arrive at the game Saturday sporting some banners...

Now my first thought was..

Ban the Voth one!

Anyone else got any big ideas on what else we could paste around the rink?

Do you know if you take the letters from elite ice hockey league, mix 'em up, add a few more and take some away you can make SHEFFIELD STEELERS ARE ***********.
Strange eh?
What does everyone think about wearing t-shirts with "Voth is Innocent" or "Free The Vother" on Saturday?

Along with banners etc. we need to have a maximum impact in support of Brad and to show the league what an injustice this decision is.
I think we should all go for the same slogan for maximum impact - How about "Free Brad Voth" I know its simple, but if we made T-Shirts they could have one word on each line and it would be a prominent slogan.

Anyone remember the Colin Charvis thing....and the Free Vera Duckworth thing from Corry?


(This would be ideal, but anything anyone can sort out would be great!)


Thread starter #16
Free Brad Voth!

There it is then,

I've been out and bought some fabric to paint some stuff on, so hopefully get em up and around the rink Saturday.

Quality, Spread the word one and all! How exciting, a day of arts and craft throughout the day tomorrow (Rolling back the years)

Maybe we could have a competition and jude the winner in the bar afterwards!! :lol: