Blaze v Panthers & Storm v Steelers


Re: Blaze v Panthers & Storm v Steelers

By the sounds of it the ref just gave storm players penalties till steelers finally scored.
Jeeeez!!! I was following the Steelers Storm game on twitter, absolute drama unfolding in the third period! Gutted to see Storm loose, and the calls at the end seemed dodgy which leaves a bitter taste.

This just makes this weekend even bigger! The two Steelers games are must wins.
James said:
By the sounds of it the ref just gave storm players penalties till steelers finally scored.
You are quite right. Just back from Storm/Steelers game. The officiating was woeful. Steelers getting away with what looked like certain penalties and next minute Storm penalised for something trivial. Storm players very angry at end of game. Why is it that Steelers seem to think they are above taking penalties. They constantly moan to ref.


Well-Known Member
miriam said:
James said:
By the sounds of it the ref just gave storm players penalties till steelers finally scored.
You are quite right. Just back from Storm/Steelers game. The officiating was woeful. Steelers getting away with what looked like certain penalties and next minute Storm penalised for something trivial. Storm players very angry at end of game. Why is it that Steelers seem to think they are above taking penalties. They constantly moan to ref.
Always have and always will as long as they get away with it. Thompson and his players put pressure on the refs at the end of every period during the game with there whinning. A lots of the refs (not all) fold under the pressure and start calling largely in their favour. Thompson is already putting pressure on the refs for our weekend games with them. I just hope we get someone strong like dare I say it Darnell or Thompson.


Well-Known Member
I actually thought Darnell had a well controlled game when the Blaze played us a couple of weeks ago....he didn't listen to any whingeing, made the right calls for both sides and put the Blaze bench in order. He was tough on the faceoffs and ejected Lauzon immediately for a check and gave Stewart a 2min pen.

Let's hope we have Darnell for both games... his European experience makes him a stronger referee. We have to be prepared that he will be as tough on our guys as well as the opposition though!


I didn't think I'd ever say it but Darnell does seem to be a much better ref than he was and I don't see his name with the same sense of impending dread as previously.


Well-Known Member
Darnell is one of the best of a very bad bunch. Thompson seemed one of the best but I can't recall a difficult game for him in fairness.

Dean Smith was one of the best but recently I'm not too sure. He's had a few stinkers in the BBT in the past season or two.


Well-Known Member
I just hope this weekend’s officials call the game fair and consistently. This weekend will have a huge impact on the outcome of the league title and for it to be spoilt by a self obsessed official would be a travesty.


Ocko said:
Thompson seemed one of the best but I can't recall a difficult game for him in fairness.
Is that because he keeps control of the game though. I always get the impression Thompson gets the respect of the players. I also like the way he calls the game