Blaze Webcast @The Pilot New Years Eve

Thread starter #1
Hi guys,

Just to keep you updated, James Pease has requested £80 for us to show the webcast tomorrow, as those who have attended our webcasts previously know, we are never packed out for them and at the moment are struggling to justify this expenditure!

We are happy to show the game if enough fans attend and perhaps are willing to chuck in a few pound for watching it here?

We also have a live Band on tomorrow night, starting around 9pm if you wanted to make a night of it!!

We will leave this one up to the RED ARMY???


Active Member
Does that mean you get better encoding, or a higher quality stream?

That is the only reason I can see for the silly level of inflation is you must be getting a dedicated line.

Or is fastso Pease just money grabbing?
Thread starter #3
Here is the official response

"Hi Rebecca,

We would need to charge £80 for the New Years Eve game, we only actual get less than half as a club and can not justify it being broadcast in public place for anything less.

I hope you understand our position, maybe your customers will pay a couple of pound towards the cost.


James Pease
General Manager
CPP Coventry Blaze Ice Hockey Team"
My "official obnoxious panda" response.

Hi Fatty,
Had you not shafted the pilot once already this season my friends and I would have made our usual two or three trips to the chavdome this season, at £15 per ticket on average and a usual party of seven that could have been £315 in the Blaze coffers. if half of us had come it could have been £157.50 Unfortunately for you and your pie fund the lesson here is half of bugger all is of course bugger all. This also applies to your webcast, I would rather go to The Pilot where the usual warm welcome will await and spend any "couple of pound" I might have about my person on Strongbow, Jack Daniels and Jaeger bombs. That way you see the money goes into the till and we all have a jolly good new years eve watching the excellent match night live and drinking heavily. You meanwhile will be crying into your empty cake tin wondering why Greggs will not grant you favourable credit terms or why you have no friends apart from the people at flabfighters who always seem to be inviting you places.
To sum up fatty, stick it.
Love and Lard,
Well we would love to be able to watch the game in the Pilot and would be willing to pay per adult, just need to know if we can bring the children, if yes then there would be 6 of us and I know another party of 3 want to come too...Please let us know if you will be showing the game if you get enough support. I have been ringing yesterday and today and my son even called in today to see if it will be on, but you were closed.
To be fair, if you compare the rates that Sky charge pubs for showing football, it is probably about right in particular if half the fee is taken on the cameras and expenses etc. I've no idea of how many people you get in the pub but if it you charge £4 per person, it doesn't seem too bad to me compared to £16 plus travel to watch the game. If the Devils did webcasts, I'm pretty sure the rate would be the same.


Active Member
i've known chi chi panda for some time now and as such, has always struck me as a reasonble marsupial type of marsupial type, so this post has surprised me and begs the question why?
Didn't they only change £40 for previous games? Why the significant increase for the same time, effort and equipment?

I'm with chi chi.... also, if it has to come down to the Pilot asking for donations, it would be almost as expensive to pay and watch it at home!
Thread starter #13
Up until last month we had SKY at the Pilot it cost around £780 per month but if you look at the number of games of football they show (without considering all the other sport) it works out about £12 per game for a Premiership football, which incidentally is of a far higher quality than the Blaze webcast, so I dont think you can compare the two.

The Blaze did agree £40 the last time for the webcast, which we paid, so the only reason I can see for the increase is that it is New Years Eve and they assume that there will be more fans in the pub!! My regulars dont follow Ice Hockey, the Blaze dont seem to realise that the people who come to watch it Travel and so financially we do not recoup the costs of the webcast.

We only offer to show the webcasts for those who dont wish to travel and who would not normally buy the webcasts to be able to see the game with fellow fans.