Cardiff Devils Confirmed Signings & Departures 2023/24


Well-Known Member
I think they would have all arrived over this weekend and take some time to settle in. I would imagine that Monday will be the first day of camp so I'm sure we'll see some content over the next week.


Well-Known Member
If it’s Booth which it looks like it, it’s probably classic goalies icing every part of them. Their knees take a hell of a beating - so here’s hoping it’s just the usual treatment and nothing new.


Well-Known Member
Hope it works out for both, out of the two big lou will see the season out unless injured of course, sam not to keen on him tbh after last showing with the Devils, thers only 1 guy that can turn that around and its Lordo...


Well-Known Member
Hope it works out for both, out of the two big lou will see the season out unless injured of course, sam not to keen on him tbh after last showing with the Devils, thers only 1 guy that can turn that around and its Lordo...
If anyone can bring out the absolute best in players it's lordo, I can see Lou having a spectacular season, and I really hope Jards finds his love for hockey and has a great season as well


Well-Known Member
Lordo obviously saw all the valuable qualities that Big Lou still has to offer which isn't surprising...he knows him well. Hope Marc has a fantastic season there, and Lordo makes him Captain.
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Well-Known Member
What a great great servant Louis has been to us, 6 seasons of looking after and fighting anyone who dared to threaten any devil player. If anyone was a true Cardiff Devil then Louis was what it was all about, all the very best to you Mark, great signing by Lordo, he knows exactly what he has got. Mister reliable who cares for his team mates and will back down to no man. Thanks mate for so many good memories.