Conpiracy theorys

Thread starter #1
From what i can gather G wanted to play home on the Sunday and ''the club'' have overuled him ? Is this correct ?

If so, shame on you club...or is this just the beginning of the end for G. If it is how underhanded can you get. We went through all this cloak and dagger bullcr*p last time. Dont you dare put us through it again>

If it is true about the club...i know who my money is on to be the instigator !!

If this is incorrect....i'm sorry ;)
Nothing is going to change the decision now if it has been made.

Lets just get behind the team 120 mins away from the playoff finals is not the time to start a conspiracy thread. Monday April 5th is the time to do that.


Active Member
Pretty sure thats a conspiracy theory and not alot else.

Somone posted in another thread that the club chose to play Saturday when we thought that we would be playing Edinbugh in the finals to make them travel more giving us a slight edge.

Either way the team needs to beat Sheffield where ever they play and on whatever day we play them at home or away.


Well-Known Member
All these 'conspiracy' theories are a load of rubbish. Everyone knows that G likes to play the 1st leg of any tourament at home so that the away leg only involves travelling once. It makes complete sense. But the rumour machine simply sets out to undermine confidence and people start thinking 'this spells the end for G'. :roll:

As for Sheffield playing their home leg on the Sunday - I read somewhere that the Steelers organisation said that they were quite prepared to change that date and any fans having already bought tickets could get them transferred. So Shuff playing their home leg on the Sunday, as they had originally hoped, looks like little to do with them dictating the quarter final venues/dates.