Devils Confirmed Signings - 10/11



Out of curiosity, why wasn't this made public on the site? Also, can anyone confirm wether or not Jarvis is to return next season? Is he definitely leaving for Europe or just contemplating it?


Well-Known Member
I don't suppose the Club like to make a big deal about releasing someone, whatever reason they are leaving. Can only assume that players like Smith, Hartwick, Romfo made very clear their intentions when he spoke to all the players before the season end which is why they were published. Noticably that Latulippe, Miller and Towe were not mentioned directly in any press releases from the Club.....and they have not been re-signed. It's the re-signings and new players that make positive reading.

As for Jarvo, G mentioned early that Wes had indicated he wanted to try for a contract playing hockey at the highest level he can. Would suggest he's got his C.V.out there/agent promoting his abilities anticipating interest. Think the Devils 'left the door open' as a safety net if Wes wasn't successful getting what he wanted. Let's face it, he's so talented he will be destined for better things than the U.K. :cry:


ASHIPP said:
I don't suppose the Club like to make a big deal about releasing someone, whatever reason they are leaving. Can only assume that players like Smith, Hartwick, Romfo made very clear their intentions when he spoke to all the players before the season end which is why they were published. Noticably that Latulippe, Miller and Towe were not mentioned directly in any press releases from the Club.....and they have not been re-signed. It's the re-signings and new players that make positive reading.

As for Jarvo, G mentioned early that Wes had indicated he wanted to try for a contract playing hockey at the highest level he can. Would suggest he's got his C.V.out there/agent promoting his abilities anticipating interest. Think the Devils 'left the door open' as a safety net if Wes wasn't successful getting what he wanted. Let's face it, he's so talented he will be destined for better things than the U.K. :cry:
Ahh, right I see. I do like to see who's leaving too as I'm sure others do, and not all of us get the Echo. I understand why they don't make released players public though. I'm guessing Millers departure may of been unsavory? Would of liked him back for another year tbh.

Yeah Wes is a good solid D man, and I'm sure he will have sides from various leagues knocking on his door. Which is a pity !!!

Thanks ASHIPP :)


Well-Known Member
Wes is pheonominal and would be very hard to replace if as looks likely will be departing to a higher level.
Points wise he more than made up for losing Tyson but his allround game is superb.
Would be surprised to see him back but the guy could hold his own most places below NHL level.


Well-Known Member
Sam Smith looks like a very exciting prospect, however does anybody else think we will be a bit under cooked compared to the other top teams if Ben doesn't re-sign and he covers the 9th forward spot?

Think I would much rather we had someone with a bit more experience on the 9th spot and Sam is used as a 10th forward.


New Member
I'm actually really happy with this signing. Sam seems like a solid player and has managed to do pretty well in another league, and he's only 18! That's impressive.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit like the sentence at the bottom of yesterday's Matzka article - it says that G is in talks with Alex Symmonds.
Are we to insinuate that Alex and Ben are virtually agreed now or are they still looking at other options? Bit vague until official.
Had to say we are looking like a very good team on paper, i like the fact we have brought in a couple of new faces who look like very sharp signings. I have total faith in G to get two more quality signings in the bag. On another note i would love to see dave Matsos back in the devil fold, he did a great job with us and i for one was sorry to see him go!!
Also i wonder if Mr Simms will take off he rose tinted steelers glasses now with regards to Voth!