

Well-Known Member
Thread starter #41
You should not make a joke of this.This coach is desperate and probably trying to keep his job.This is the same stuff that Nottingham did against Tyson Marsh.Seriously injuring Thompsom may please their fans and cover his ass.
I hope Devils fans dont sink to this level.The players should sort their own problems not get an enforcer the chance to injure someone to build his reputation.
I'm not making a joke if it. The fact is that shortly after a screenshot was taken of my comments saying that tansey should be properly punished for the barrow incident (and Sheffield fans are claiming it wasn't serious) they're outraged when something similar happens to one of their guys.

I would never advocate us going out to deliberately injure someone. However, when we had the likes of Mike ware and Mike Macwilliam it tended to keep the other teams honest.