Leagues Toughest Team


Active Member
Thread starter #1
Was waiting for us to sign up the last import before asking this, so now that we have who does everyone think has the toughest team in the league?

I understand that not all teams are complete but there are a few of us.

Also do you think that the league is less tough this year? I'd say that it is looking quite similar if not a bit tougher if you look at after a lot of the true fighters left last year i.e McMorrow, Sawyer, Penner.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put Sawyer in the same bracket as McMorrow and Penner. Not just a fighter, a decent defenseman with a sweet shot too.

Back on topic I think the Devils have to be in the top three toughest (and possibly top two on current rosters). I don't think we will get pushed around much (except as a result of poor officiating).