Major changes for next season


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I have it on good authority that far from being satisfied with their recent acquisition, and wanting to return to the sport for which they've had such a love for many years, a major global player is due to announce its acquisition of the rights to the Elite Ice Hockey League.

To add to it's increasing entertainment portfolio, following the recent news regarding LucasFilm, Disney will acquire the rights formally in the new year and will be ready to go operational in time for the start of 2013/2014 season.

As they have done such a god job to date, it has been decided that the current league management team will remain largely unchanged moving forward, and Walt Disney's CEO Robert "Bob" Iger publicly pledged his support for the current chairman by saying:

"We have every faith in Mickey Mouse".

He wend on to add

"There may be some changes around the disciplinary committee, as Dumbo is apparently under a lot of stress. We fear he may lose the plot fairly soon (if he hasn't done so already). Rest assured, though, we have Donald Duck waiting in the wings ready to step up from his current reffing job to take over whenever we make the call".
Snow White is up for the discipline committee not a happy girl though. She's heard that Dopey is taking the Refs course. Oh! sorry he all ready in, changed his name to Hicks.