Matt Myers


Well-Known Member
Thread starter #1
Congrats Matt on what would have been your testimonial game today, just a few words, first met you in the WNIR block 1 , you were a terror then, running around all over the place, your mum was a wreck by the end of the games, serious though what a player you turned out to be, true proffesional on and off the ice, had a few chats after some games not ducking and diving like some players always had time to chat but what a gent you are, been a pleasure watching you play all these years, after all this covid 19 shit , I hope the devils will re arrange your day for you , it will certainly be deservered..PS couldnt make it tonight anyway, off to Durham for an eye test and a bbq with few friends...


Well-Known Member
Hopefully for his testimonial game, when it's played, someone will dig out the photo of him sharing around the rink in Copenhagen after the devils first Europa cup win.