Men in Black

Thread starter #1
Can anyone shed some light on why the suited mob were doing recon at the game on Saturday?
I thought Airforce one had touched down in the carpark!
One guy was talking into his hand saying 'suspect walking upstairs with hotdog' :lol:


Well-Known Member
Apparrently their was an bigwig Or (bignob)from HSBC in the building on saturday, and they brought in some extra insurance cover for themselves, but like Wannabe I thought they were a couple of Simmsy's minders at first - as if we would do anything nasty to Mr Squeeler!!
Thread starter #4
Russky said:
Apparrently their was an bigwig Or (bignob)from HSBC in the building on saturday, and they brought in some extra insurance cover for themselves, but like Wannabe I thought they were a couple of Simmsy's minders at first - as if we would do anything nasty to Mr Squeeler!!
They probably thought there might be a hostile takeover!! :lol:
You are all completely way off the mark!!!! It was a training excerise/exam, they were business people who volunteered their time to fly over and participate in the training... It was actually good publicity for the devils and again is getting the devils name around!!!