New D-man

Thread starter #1
New D-man agrees terms with Elite League Devils
By Terry Phillips on Jun 23, 09 10:13 AM
HEAD coach Gerad Adams flies home to Canada on Wednesday, having landed his final defenceman for the 2009-10 season.
The new import has agreed all terms and the deal will be confirmed as soon as the paperwork is completed. That will probably be on Friday - watch out for all the news in your South Wales Echo.
The D-man is new to British ice hockey and is a solid, offensive player who will play a big part for the Devils.
Devils' new D-man will also combine playign with studies at Cardiff Business School, along with Wes Jarvis and Mike Hartwick.
Adams flies out to complete his squad - and is in talks with a first line right-winger and a third line centreman.
Devils currently have seven imports signed - and they can ice a maximum of 10 in any one match.