The Valleys


New Member
Thread starter #3
What part of Wales are you from? lol. I'm about the same age as them and so are my mates in Wales. We go out drinking etc, but nothing like what these bunch of tarts do. It's meant to be a reality show. This is more like getting the most dumbest, attention seeking, shamless people you can find and calling them the average person in Wales. The valleys themselves don't have a lot of jobs etc, but what village/smàll areas in the world do? Cardiff, Swansea etc isn't that far away. You get the best of both world really. Country side and the city life (shops etc) not too far away.


Well-Known Member
If you go to town on a Saturday night, you will find valleys slappers and valleys 'roidboys like that in pretty much every club.


New Member
Thread starter #5
Finny said:
If you go to town on a Saturday night, you will find valleys slappers and valleys 'roidboys like that in pretty much every club.
Yeah, there's always a couple of idiots where ever you go, but I've never seen them take it to the level these guys do. Meh, maybe me and my mates have just been brought up better :lol:
What i fond the most annoying about these morons is the fact that they are mostly from swansea, port talbot and cardiff and not from the valleys! They are all really bad examples of human beings if you ask me, and dont show what people from the valleys are like. Theres a minority of slappers and roiders everywhere not just the valleys..... Im going to stop now :x