
Thread starter #1
Any Devils replica jersey (no gameworns) from the last few years.
Preferably Medium or Large.
Only jersey I have atm is the one with the old logo on, so looking for a 'newer' jersey for the coming season.

Thanks in advance!


I have a bunch of jerseys from 05/06 onwards at home, can't pm you as i'm posting this from my phone, and i'm not cool enough to have an iphone :(
Thread starter #3
Whenever you get chance, pm me with what shirts your willing to let go, and a price? I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Cheers mate.
Thread starter #4
I tried sending a PM, but it wouldn't actually send.
Kept saying there was no recipient selected, even though your username was by the 'To' section... strange. :?