Brad Voth Retires

Paul Sullivan

Well-Known Member
A typo is one thing.

Making such a strong point about a matter of honour and respect (retiring a jersey) when you don't know how long the player has played for and then (unintentionally) disrespect our founder and deceased former player by getting their names wrong is another entirely.

Next thing you know there will be criticisms of Voth's contribution from people who never even saw him play.

Oh, wait a minute...

I agree with you that we need debate, however whilst I would agree a single error should not be pilloried, the poster has made several serious screw-ups /inaccuracies. Any topic or post that is putting forward examples and facts should at least make sure they are right, no?

There is a preview button for a reason and if you are going to post provocative comments it's not beyond the realms of reason to expect you to have all your factual ducks in line, or get called out on it.

Edited to add: I do feel that such a sloppy post can devalue the point being made as it points to the credibility of the post in it's entirety. If accuracy of posted language isn't an issue, why is text talk banned :lol:
Beaten to it by Paul, but he's right.

If you're going to make a somewhat provocative comment about shirt retirement, you have to get your reference example correct. Even more so when talking about Lawless surely?

I find Dickson - Dickinson quite a leap as an autocorrect. I get Docking :) Lawless is fine.

I've seen posters get picked up on far smaller points on here before, but there we go. I guess it's not what you say.

Though it isn't a long service award, I think #10 will hang from the rafters when he stops playing.
Being included in Pont y Werin bridge was a demonstration of his public support. Though I wish he was immortalised in a Devils top, not a UCLA sweatshirt :DWD